Write For Us

Today’s Esquire uses a legal lens to look at the people, companies, and ideas impacting the legal world — and we welcome outside opinions to help us do just that.

Today’s Esquire is always looking for writers and fresh opinions on the top stories of the day. On an individual basis, we accept content from outside contributors that fit our mission: to provide unique and thoughtful legal analysis on the wide array of subject matter we cover, including Breaking News, Legal News, Business, Tech, Finance, Politics, Sports, Legal Strategy, Healthcare and more. 

We are seeking submissions that offer creative and diverse takes from experts and thought leaders in their fields. 

Submitted articles must be original concepts, and not stories Today’s Esquire has already written. We will accept blog posts or articles that you retain the rights to. We will not accept promotional material, and all conflicts of interest should be disclosed. Contributors for Today’s Esquire are not paid.

Editorial Policies

  • Revise, revise, revise! As a contributor for Today’s Esquire, you can expect editorial revisions to be part of the process. Should the need arise, we may request edits, clarifications, additions, or documentation to verify any claims made in your submission, 
  • If your piece is chosen to be published on Today’s Esquire, we may ask you for a headshot, a bio, and proof of your credentials.
  • Today’s Esquire makes all final decisions concerning headlines. We reserve the right to update or change a headline as necessary, to ensure your article reaches the appropriate audience.

How to Reach Today’s Esquire

  • To write as a contributor or pitch an authoritative op-ed, contact our editor, Jaja Agpalo, jaja@todaysesquire.com
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